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Are you finding ways to improve your brand’s website performance?  Then don’t ignore the core concept of page and website speed. Are you aware that page speed affects SEO rank? Want to know more? Visit the blog to learn more.

What is Page Speed?

Page speed refers to metrics to track a website’s loading time or a page’s loading time. Several things affect the quality of page speed, such as image, server, operating system, nature of website content, sizes of files, and other technical aspects of a website.

What is Webpage Load Time?

Web page load time is the processing time for a website to fully load once it receives a user’s request. Web page load time is the duration of this entire procedure. The time of this whole process is referred to as web page load time.

Why is Page Speed Important?


•    SEO Rank

From the users’ point of view, a page’s performance optimization is crucial. Search engines like Google now prioritize their consumers above all else in their algorithms. So, if you want to get a good rank on search engines, you have to maintain your website’s speed at an optimum level.  Consult a digital marketing consultant to book a free consultation session.

•    User Experience

Website page speed plays a crucial role to boost the user experience (UX) of a website. When your website’s page loading time is long, it hampers customer engagement. Most people get annoyed with a slow-loading page and become dissatisfied with a brand or website. You cannot sustain your business long-term with a poor user experience and unsatisfied customers.

74% of businesses have agreed that UX plays a big role in sale enhancement.


•    Bounce Rate

The more your website takes longer time to load, the more it loses customers. Google data indicates the following correlation between loading time and bounce rate:

Page Load Time Bounce Rate
1-3 seconds 32% increased
1-5 seconds 90% increased
10 Seconds 123% increased


•    Revenue

A website with good loading speed has a better chance to earn good Click through rates and conversion. This will get reflected in the ultimate sales report.


Why is Page Load Speed Important?

Let’s summarize the advantage of good page speed by keeping it short-

•    SEO ranking
•    Less bouncing rate
•    Better Conversion
•    Customer satisfaction
•    Customer engagement
•    Revenue number improvement

How To Monitor Your Website’s Speed?

You should keep monitoring your page speed or website’s loading time to keep up its overall performance at an optimum level.  Choose the best method as per your preference and keep improving your website speed. There are multiple ways to track page speed, such as Google page speed insight –a free speed-measuring tool.
Other website speed test tools
•    Sematext
•    Pingdom speed test
•    Webpage test
•    Site 24X7
•    Yslow
•    Uptime

Pro tips
There are some leading website speed optimization services, if you don’t have time to learn more about page speed, reach out to them straight!

How Page Speed Affects SEO?

Most high-ranking pages on Google have an average page of 1.65 seconds-that means the quality of page speed directly impacts SEO ranks. Nowadays, SEO ranks depend a lot on the user-friendly features of a page. Be it technicalities or the website content quality, what matters for users, matters for Search engines also. As Search engines want to ensure quality for their users.
Page speed is a technical aspect of a website’s performance that makes users engaged on search engines with less bounce rate, good conversion rate, and views. Hence, page speed Affects SEO. To get more insights on SEO and page speed, consult a digital marketing consultant.

How To Speed Up Your Website?


•    Enable Browser Crashing

Improve the page speed or website loading time by enabling browser crashing as browser crashes load a page with already downloaded files and resources.

•    Use Limited Resources

Remove unnecessary characters from the source code of CSS files and use their minify version to increase page loading time.

•    Image and File Compression

Use compression algorithm to activate image compression. Using GZIP compression method is one of the most effective ways to compress image files to improve loading time.

•    Use Content Delivery Network (CDN)

Use CDN to distribute content near your users. CDN is useful to improve bounce rate by making the closest content available to the users.

•    Reduce HTTP request

Compile CSS into one file to minimize the HTTP request.

•    Manage Media files

Manage media files like images, and videos and optimize their site to improve the overall website performance of your website.

•    Use the Appropriate Web Host

Web host plays a vital role in improving page speed so, choose the appropriate web host according to the website’s technical features.

Key Takeaway

Maintaining optimal performance is important if you want to grow your brand online. However, having specialties in a different stream sometime make you confused when complexities are high. So, it will be better to consult exerts from a digital marketing consultant and avoid the risk of slipping down from the SEO game.

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